More lies with the community updates!!
Rene continues to put out misinformation to make a Director look bad. Tom Gusich showed us a string of emails to both Rene and Jeff Hochman’s admin assistant that indicated 12 dates for mediation that he was available. Two were coincident with all parties but crickets from Madam President. The next time you see Rene ask her ……What exactly are you going to Mediate?
Members of this BOD want to manipulate the narrative to make them look good. How sad that we just can’t get the TRUTH from our BOD.
QUOTES FROM KEN per Director Gusich’s recording:
These are the lies that were told to Ben and Tom at a meeting with Ken Feldman on June 25. There are probably more but after listening to the recording with director Gusich we picked these out.
“So as far as schematic drawings, a conceptual drawing, that hasn’t been, that is yet to come, that’s phase two. That’s what I’m asking the permission to do.” says Ken
So this whole thing, you’re saying you haven’t started yet ? NO says KEN
We have no drawings we can put out to bid for a preliminary budget number? No says Ken
“I need permission to do the schematic. I need permission to do it.” says Ken
“My response, not argumentatively, but from the process is this is why I need that money to get your schematic. “says Ken
We saw drawings dated June 7, 2024. The 95% construction drawings were already done some 18 days prior. Now where does Rene fit in?
Rene has an August Update on the project
The Photo Club Expansion has made quick progress through Phase 2. Since this is a relatively small project, the team is moving forward to construction drawings [CDs] (They were done in June Rene) to save time and cost. This means they are not asking for approval on the concept or design drawings. (Ken did on June 25 Remember 95% CDs were done in JUNE)
The team is currently reviewing the CDs and providing feedback on the improvement plans. Due to travel schedule/availability of Photo members, the goal is to present CDs to the Board for approval in late September. (BOD has yet to see these drawings) Photo response to CDs is good with NO MAJOR issues. Only minor issues e.g., the placement of electrical outlets, amperage requirements.
PHASE 2 DELIVERABLES A – Define Project Intent – Done B – Complete Architectural RFP – Done C (Never Done and admitted such by Ken Feldman and a violation of our purchasing policy)– Execute Professional Services Contract – Done D ( Contract signed by only Rene a VIOLATION of our Governing documents which requires 2 officer signatures )– Approved Conceptual Drawings – NA ( NA but Ken requested funding at Ben and Tom meeting in June) E – Approved Schematic Drawings – NA( NA but Ken requested funding at Ben and Tom meeting in June) F – Approved Design Drawings – NA (NA but Ken requested funding at Ben and Tom meeting in June)G – Approved Construction Drawings ( Now being reviewed by new PM) – Targeting end of September H ( Not to BOD as of December)– Complete the Design Deliverables Checklist – Exhibit E ????
No Honesty, and Director Gusich and Serns were told a load of BS. Backdoor work done by Rene and Ken. We demand Transparency and we get lies and misinformation.
Stay tuned for more information, perhaps more LIES